VETRA – genuine French work wear. Family business since 1927: Vetra was founded by the great-grandfather of the Beerens brothers Richard & Edouard who operate the business today.

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We love stories like this! The brand name VETRA comes from the abbreviation of “VETements de TRAvail” (in English it maybe would have been ‘WW’, Wear for Work). VETRA always highlighted the high quality level of the products and the best fitting in slogans all these decades: VETRA EVER LASTS | VETRA : THE WORKWEAR THAT FITS | VETRA THE TAILOR FOR PROFESSIONALS

The brand was always focused to its customers and had the best relationships to its suppliers. The products were just distributed and sold by speciality shops and marketed to industrial companies while workers and craftsmen were proudly wearing VETRA garments and appreciating the quality and durability. In the late 1960s some unions and workers even imposed VETRA work wear in their bargaining negotiations!

The range of products has enlarged from the second half of the 1990’s with garments reinterpreted in collaboration with Japanese agents and clients. VETRA work wear has been modernised for today, while keeping its soul and authenticity untouched.
Since 2010 VETRA continues to explore its past through a new generation to reinvent new products while keeping in mind that from the origin function makes work wear. Faithful to its roots and soul, VETRA brand is still manufacturing its garments in France. Absolute genuine and iconic – simple and authentic – timeless!

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